T & S Curbing and Landscape, Inc.

Eco-Friendly Environmental Gardens

At T & S, we pride ourselves on designing and constructing ecologically grounded landscapes. We blend environmental science with fine garden design to feature the rich biodiversity and beauty of the high desert. Our designs conserve natural resources and restore ecological function. Our goal is to improve quality of life and provide sustainable design models for the future here in Western Colorado.

Low-Mow and No-Mow Lawns

Traditional lawns require tons of water to stay healthy and tend to struggle with the hot Colorado summers. Fortunately, there are drought tolerant alternatives that require little maintenance. Our “no-mow” lawns form a dense sod that requires water only twice a month during the growing season. Once established, they biologically reduce weed growth and only require occasional maintenance.

High Desert Xeric Gardens

Native plants are naturally adapted to Colorado’s climate, soils, and environmental conditions. Native species require less water, less fertilizer, and are more resistant to pests and disease. T & S can help you design aesthetically pleasing gardens with sustainability and conservation in mind.

Pollinator-Friendly Gardens

Pollinators are the engines that drive healthy habitats. Creating gardens with this in mind helps support local ecosystems and makes for beautiful landscaping. T & S can help you design and build gardens that attract native pollinator species while having tons of visual appeal.

Desert Grassland/Wildflower Meadows

A great alternative to lawn grass, or a beautiful addition to any landscape. Native grass/wildflower meadows attract pollinators and provide year-round interest. T & S will assess the ecology of your property and design a plant palette that provides visual appeal and meets functional needs.